Calgary Maker Faire

Saturday & Sunday, May 13th & 14th, 2023
BMO Centre, Hall F
20 Roundup Way SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 2W1
Doors open 10:00 am – 5:00pm

Calling All Makers
The Calgary Maker Faire is an outstanding opportunity for Makers of all ages to showcase their talents. The 2023 Calgary Maker Faire will take place on Saturday, May 13th & 14th, 2023 at BMO Centre on the Stampede Grounds.
Students and Makers can show off art, crafts, or STEM projects. Schools or students can have a free booth to showcase their project. At Roots 2 STEM we believe that students not only have great ideas, but that they have a different and fresh perspective.
Register and get your project started. We will update you with more information.
Do not miss the Calgary Maker Faire.
Calling All Sponsors
The Calgary Maker Faire is hosted by Roots 2 STEM and sponsored by Calgary businesses to provide a better STEM education for our community. If you would like to support this program contact Roots 2 STEM here.
Thank you for your support!
Students in Grades: 7 – 12 and undergraduate are welcome to showcase their project free. Others are welcome to showcase their projects as well. We are building a community of Makers.
Calgary Maker Faire
May 13 & 14, 2023
For more information: