Feedback from Parents and Students…

Brandi: – speaking about son’s Summer Camp experience at Roots 2 STEM
If you have a kid that loves math and science and are looking for something to put their kids into…look no further. For the past couple of year we have enrolled our son in the summer day camps. Before the camps my son was quiet and lacked confidence. At the camps he met like minded kids and discovered a his passion. He had already been building amazing things with Lego and creating inventions on his own, but the day camps opened his mind to other possibilities. Thanks to the courses provided by Roots to STEM, our son has decided that he would like to be an engineer and he is only 14. He has set goals for himself and been accepted into a high school in Calgary that offers a Pre-Engineering program. We are so thankful to Roots to STEM for inspiring young minds to achieve amazing things and reach for the stars.
Mackenzie: – Grade 9 student in the Jr. Engineering after-school program
Being in the Roots 2 STEM Jr engineering program I experienced first hand how unique and innovating it was. By being involved in this program I learned lots of new skills that were introduced to me, things I never though I could accomplish. One of the many things I was able to build was a prosthetic hand for a 3 year old girl named Clara. While building the hand I learned new tools and tips, while also brushing up on old skills. Through patience and hard work I was able to make the hand fully functional and nice looking. Thanks to this program, I’ve advanced my new skills into society and hope to further advance them in high school courses and a career path in the field of science.
Melody: – parent of child in Star Wars Summer Camp.
Great staff, leaders and teachers. So much fun – my child learned a lot. A perfect balance between hands-on experience and teaching.
Amy: – son was in a Roots 2 STEM Summer Camp
This is the first time EVER that my son has come out of a camp asking if I can sign him up again next year. Thank you!
Sam: – Grade 8 student in the Discover Your Inner Engineer Summer Camp
Dean is the coolest old guy I have ever met! Bridges are cool too.