Join Us for the STEPS for STEM - 5/10K Run and Walk

We are proud to announce the First Annual STEPS for STEM Run & Walk. Join us for this exciting 5K or 10K event at South Glenmore Park. The race starts at 10:30 and all registrations are through the Glenmore Landing Running Room. The STEPS for STEM event supports educational STEM programming here at Roots 2 STEM.

Race Kit Pickup
Thursday, June 29 from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
Friday, June 30 from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm

Glenmore Landing Running Room
A126-1600 90 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2V 5A8

Race Times
10km: 10:30 am — 5km: 11:00 am

To sponsor, volunteer or for more information contact Robin Rootes:
Ph: 403.257.4200  —  Email:

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[button type=”rd_3dstroke_bt” size=”medium_rd_bt” icon_color=”#dd9933″ t_color=”#dd9933″ t_hover_color=”#dd3333″ url=”” position=”ta_center”]More Information[/button]

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